Little Shop of Horrors- June 2016
Photos courtesy of M Tyson Photography
Photos courtesy of M Tyson Photography
Photos courtesy of M Tyson Photography
Photos courtesy of M Tyson Photography
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Our performance of Legally Blonde the Musical went really well! We hope everybody that came to watch it enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed performing it. Keep an eye out for news of our next performance, details coming soon…
Our 2019 pantomime went really well! We hope everybody that came to watch it enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed performing it. Preparations are well under way for our Summer musical, Legally Blonde. Check out the Legally Blonde page for updates.
Reading: Firday 26th August 6pm Auditions will be Friday 2nd and Saturday 4th September 6pm Under 13s will be auditioned in two workshops on the mornings of Sunday 28th and Sunday 4th September 10am – 12pm Everyone is welcome, please contact us, if you have any questions
We are now on Twitter! Please follow us:
Centre Stage is performing Grease in the summer of 2015! If you would like to audition or be involved, please use the ‘contact us’ section to let us know! Auditions will be planned for the coming weeks, so keep checking on here